Hi Dolls, and we can not forget about the Gents! Welcome to EYE-LOVE Cosmetics. It is a blog about, you guessed it, Make-Up. More importantly it is about my journey as a Full-Time Accountant/Part-Time Professional Free-Lance Make-Up Artist, and the hardships I encounter to make it as a Full-Time Professional Free-Lance Artist. So sit back and enjoy the ride, I am sure it will be bumpy.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Make-up!!! All of us ladies, and some gents as well, LOVE make-up!  I can speak for myself and say that make-up consumes me.  I am a professional freelance make-up artist and a full-time Accountant.  I know what you are thinking, how in any way are those two similar? Guess what?  I ask myself the same question everyday.  And since I can not do make-up everyday, I can at least write about it.  Look foward to posting pictures and answering your questions.

Ciao Dolls!

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