Hi Dolls, and we can not forget about the Gents! Welcome to EYE-LOVE Cosmetics. It is a blog about, you guessed it, Make-Up. More importantly it is about my journey as a Full-Time Accountant/Part-Time Professional Free-Lance Make-Up Artist, and the hardships I encounter to make it as a Full-Time Professional Free-Lance Artist. So sit back and enjoy the ride, I am sure it will be bumpy.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Snowed In

Thank God for the snowstorm because I can finally catch up on my writing - an added Christmas gift.

I had a lovely Christmas - getting some much needed R&R after quite a hectic week.  It was amazing to spend time with my family and the people who matter the most in my life.  It is so easy to get caught up in life to forget what matters most.

Life is too short to be miserable and unhappy.  My goal for 2011 is about prioritizing!

1 comment:

  1. YIKES, that is a hell of a lot of snow!

    And you're right...life is wayyy to short to be moping around. Here's to a happy 2011! (And to prioritizing!)

